Conference Chairpersons

Head of the Center of excellence for photoconverison, Full professor, Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade
Bruno Viana
Director of Research CNRS, IRCP CNRS Chimie Paristech


Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Germany

ICOM and ICPT Program and Advisory Board
M. Dramicanin (Serbia) Chair
B. Viana (France) Chair
F. Beyrau (Germany) Chair
A. Braud (France)
A. Gökçe (Türkiye)
A. Meijerink (The Netherlands)
A. Popov (Latvia)
A. Srivastava (USA)
A. Toncelli (Italy)
A.L. Heyes (UK)
B. Fond (France)
C. V. Santilli (Brasil)
C. Wickleder (Germany)
C.-G. Ma (China)
C. Abram (USA)
D. Jaque Garzía (Spain)
D. Yoon (Korea)
D. Rothamer (USA)E. Zych (Poland)
G. Chen (China)
H. Brault (France)
H. Zhang (China)
J. Capobianco (Canada)
J. L. Adam (France)
J. Nedeljković (Serbia)
L. Bausa (Spain)
L. Carlos (Portugal)
L. Marciniak (Poland)L. Xiaogang (Singapour)
M. Bettinelli (Italy)
M. Brik (Serbia)
M. Ferrari (Italy)
M. Guzik (Poland)
M. Ivanov (Serbia)
M. Nikl (Czech Republic)G. Sutton (UK)
M. Suta (Germany)
M. Wu (China)
O. Malta (Brasil)
P. Deren (Poland)
P. Dorenbos (The Netherlands)
P. Smet (Belgium)
Ph. Boutinaud (France)
R. Liu (China)
R.-S. Liu (Taiwan)
S. Borisov (Austria)
S. Fujihara (Japan)
S. Jobic (France)
S. Pulcinelli (Brazil)
S. Tanabe (Japan)
S. Allison (USA)
W. Ka-Leung (Hong Kong)
Ž. Antić (Serbia)
Organizing Committee
M. Dramićanin (Serbia) (Chair)
B. Viana (France) Chair
F. Beyrau (Germany) Chair
Ž. Antić (Serbia)
Lj. Đačanin Far (Serbia)
B. Milićević (Serbia)
S. Kuzman (Serbia)
J. Periša (Serbia)
A. Ćirić (Serbia)
M. Medić (Serbia)
Ristić (Serbia)
A. Rajčić (Serbia)
V. Đorđević (Serbia)
I. Zeković (Serbia)
M. Sekulić (Serbia)
T. Gavrilović (Serbia)
K. Milenković (Serbia)