
The 7th International Conference on the Physics of Optical Materials

The 4th International Conference on Phosphor Thermometry

Tentative conference program is now available HERE

26th August – 30th August 2024

Hotel Mediteran, Budva, Becici, Montenegro

Welcome note

The Organizing Committee invites you to the 7th International Conference on the Physics of Optical Materials and Devices (ICOM2024), a joint event with the 4th International Conference on Phosphor Thermometry (ICPT2024). The conference will be held in Montenegro, from the 26th to the 30th of August 2024, and is organized by the Society for Science Development of Serbia (Serbia), IRCP Chimie ParisTech (France), and Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg (Germany).

The ICOM 2024 Conference brings together scientists and technology users who investigate or develop materials for optical applications. The conference presents the state of the art in preparation methods, optical characterization, and usage of optical materials and devices in various photonic fields.

The ICPT 2024 Conference addresses all aspects of temperature measurements using thermographic phosphors including thermographic phosphor synthesis, characterization and calibration; Measurement technique development, instrumentation and data processing; Applications in industry, fundamental research and biomedicine.


Investing in science is investing in the future of humanity. Help us share our knowledge and connect technology with science breakthroughs.

Download Letter for ICOM 2024 Sponsorship

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Publications and Proceedings

All accepted abstracts will be published in the electronic Book of Abstracts after the conference.

Authors will be invited to submit papers of their accepted presentations for review and possible publication in Measurement Science and Technology and Journal of Optics, peer-reviewed journals, published by IOPscience.

Key dates & Important Info
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Abstract Submission
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Topics & Program

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Coming Soon

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Past ICOMs

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